Make Time in Your Day to Learn the Money Thing
Author - Abbie Kahula Reed

A Grandma's Message: I explored just a tiny bit of the many things available to learn better finance management online. The insights learned are essential for the road trip ahead. I have a new direction and hope for my grandkids and the next generations. I will teach them new lessons I wish I had known growing up. We will talk story and conjure new ideas, new ways and finances to grow.
The grandkids will know their good health in mind, body, and soul comes first before all the money in the world. They will see that they have the power to create a world of unlimited possibilities if they commit the time to learning. May this learning inspire and enlighten new ways.
This project advocates continuous learning to make dreams come true
Mahalo for exploring on this journey with me. Shall we go on a road trip?
Aloha No,
Abbie Kahula Reed

This project documents my research journey to discover turnaround possibilities
for those like me, tired of living and struggling just to make ends meet.
Too many are forced to abandon their hometown in far away towns
where a paycheck can stretch farther. How many more will leave?
What will our children face as the costs of homes and living continue to rise?

Unprecedented times in our world & economy urgently call for new ways and solutions. Energy spent on this blog is focused on learning and seeking solutions. I don't have the answers but maybe the money experts who talk online can help. Listening to what they have to say is big step #1.
Discover and learn what works for your individual situations.
Stick It
In Your Ear and
Go Go Go!
Make Time
to Learn

Too busy to learn? I get it! Rather than waiting for a window of time to open which may never come in our busy lives, why not multi-task to include it in the day instead? Here's a thought -- Connect the lessons to a device and some earphones to your ear to "multi-task" and learn "on the go!"

I am not the money expert or financial advisor. I'm just a random grandma (tutu) sharing what I found online that caught my eye only with intentions to help. Feel free to follow me as I explore new options online. I share my honest review of things that caught my eye to help on both the good and the bad about "The Money Thing."

This project is to support my graduation requirement on a senior capstone project
an undergraduate student at UH West Oahu pursuing a
Bachelor's Degree in Creative Media Communications and New Technology